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SideBySide Test Drive?

People usually give a Root Canal groan when talking about shopping for cars, until they meet the right person. That's my job. Finding you the right person. A common theme when I speak with customers who have been shopping around is the question "Why can't it be easier?" Well the truth is, it can! The challenge for us is that everyone's "easy" is different.

My first goal is finding out how YOU want to buy a car. Some like to research for years. Great! Some like 0 talking, 1 chance for a great price. Fabulous! Some like great laughs, lots of options, and to think about it overnight. Wonderful!

So please, let us know. Be as upfront as possible. This helps us, help you the right way.

We've collected a great staff (please email me if we have a bad egg), and are always working towards our goal for you: See... Drive... Smile (in any order)

Melissa GM